Als Erstautor: | |
1986 | K. H. Link et al.: Prospective correlative chemosensitivity testing in high dose intraarterial chemotherapy for liver
metastases. Cancer Research 46, 4837-4840 |
1988 | K. H. Link et al.: Concentration and time dependance of the toxicity of fluorinated pyrimidines to HT29 colorectal
carcinoma cells. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 22, 58-62 |
1995 | K. H. Link et al.: Rationales for intraperitoneal chemotherapy: Chemosensitivity Testing and Pharmacokinetic Considerations -
Clinical Experience with Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 27, 95-100 |
1996 | K. H. Link et al.: Regional Chemotherapy Directed by Individual Chemosensitivity Testing in Vitro: A Prospective Decision-Aiding
Trial. Clinical Cancer Research 3, 1469-1474 |
1997 | K. H. Link et al.: Multimodal Therapies in Ductal Pancreatic Cancer. Int.J.Pancreatol. 21, 71-83 |
1999 | K. H. Link et al.: Downstaging by regional chemotherapy of nonresectable isolated colorectal liver metastases. Eur J Surg Oncol
25, 381-388 |
2000 | K. H. Link et al.: Thymidilate synthase quantitation and in vitro chemosnesitivity testing predicts responses and survival of
patients with isolated non-resectable liver tumors receiving hepatic arterial infusion. Cancer 89, 288-296 Bemerkung: Ausgezeichnet als "Best Paper of the Year" |
2000 | K. H. Link et al.: Neue Prinzipien in der Chirurgischen Onkologie. Onkologe 6, 450-457 |
2001 | K. H. Link et al.: Surgery, Radio- and Chemotherapy for Multimodal Treatment of Rectal Cancer. Swiss Surg 7, 256-274 |
2001 | K. H. Link et al.: Regional Chemotherapy of Nonresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases with Mitoxantrone, 5-Fluorouracil, Folinic
Acid, and Mitomycin C May Prolong Survival. Cancer 92, 2746-53 |
2001 | K. H. Link: Wandel der Therapie beim resektablen Rektumkarzinom. Internist 42, 910-912 |
2004 | K. H. Link et al.: Chirurgie und multimodale Therapie des Kolonkarzinoms: Evidenzbasis? Chir Gastroenterologie 20, 39-54 |
2004 | K. H. Link et al.: Multimodality Treatment of Hepatic Metastases. In: Lencioni et al., Springer, 363-386 |
2005 | K. H. Link et al.: Increase of Survival Benefit in Advanced Resectable Colon Cancer by Extent of Adjuvant Treatment. Annals of
Surgery 242, 178-187 |
2005 | K. H. Link et al.: Colon cancer: survival after curative surgery. Langenbeck´s Arch Surg 390, 83-93 |
2008 | K.H. Link, M. Hauser, M. Mann, P. M. Schlag: Kolonkarzinom - Chirurgische Onkologie Strategien und Standards für die Praxis.
Michael Gnant, Peter M. Schlag (Hrsg.), Springer, 315-329 |
2009 | K. H. Link et al.: Multimodale Therapie von Kolon- und Rektumkarzinomen: Qualitätsparameter. Viszeralmedizin 25, 105-117 |
2010 | K. H. Link et al.: Qualitätsanforderungen zur Behandlung des Kolon- und Rektumkarzinoms aus chirurgischer Sicht. Chirurg 81,
222-230 |
Als Co- und Seniorautor: |
1997 | H.G.Beger, M.H.Schoenberg, K. H. Link, F.Safi, D.Berger: Die duodenumerhaltende
Pankreaskopfresektion - Ein Standardverfahren bei chronischer Pankreatitis. Chirurg 68, 874-880 |
1999 | H.G.Beger, F.Gansauge, M.W.Büchler, K. H. Link: Intraarterial adjuvant
chemotherapy after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic cancer: significant reduction of occurence of liver metastasis . World J Surg 23, 946-949 |
2001 | JP Neoptolemos, JA Dunn, DD Stocken, J Almond, KH Link, H.Beger, C Bassi, M
Falconi, P Pederzoli, C Dervenis, L Fernandez-Cruz, F Lacaine, A Pap, D Spooner, DJ Kerr, H Friess, MW Büchler for the European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer: Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy and
chemotherapy in resectable pancreatic cancer: a randomized controlled trial. The Lancet 358, 1576-85 |
2002 | L Staib, KH Link, A Blatz, HG Beger: Surgery of Colorectal Cancer: Surgical
Morbidity and Five- and Ten-year Results in 2400 Patients. -Monoinstitutional Experience. World J Surg 26, 59-66 |
2002 | M Kornmann, KH Link: Conversion of locally inoperable primary rectal cancer
with multiple liver metastases to an option for cure after local down-staging and hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy. Langenbeck´s Arch Surg 387, 90-93 |
2003 | BUM Monz, HH König, R Leidl, L Staib, K. H. Link: Cost Effectiveness of Adding
Folinic Acid to Fluorouracil Plus Levamisole as Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Colon Cancer in Germany. Pharmacoeconomics 21, 709-719 |
2003 | M Kornmann, W Schwabe, S Sander, M Kron, J Strater, S Polat, E Kettner, HF Weiser, W Baumann, H Schramm, P Hausler, K Ott, D
Behnke, L Staib, HG Beger, K. H. Link : Thymidylate Synthase and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase mRNA expression levels: predictors for survival in
colorectal cancer patients receiving adjuvant 5-fluorouracil. Clin Cancer Research 9, 4116-24 |
2003 | HG Beger, B Rau, F Gansauge, B Poch, KH Link: Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer:
Challenge of the Facts. Editorial Update. World J Surg 27, 1075-1084 |
2007 | M Kornmann, L Staib, KH Link: Aktuelle chirurgische Therapiestrategien -
Rektumkarzinom. Verdauungskrankheiten 25, 163-170 |
2007 | Th Weber, KH Link: Radikale Chirurgie bei primär metastasierten kolorektalen
Karzinomen. Chir Gastroenterol 23, 360-66 |
2009 | W.Hohenberger, K.H. Link, J.Spatz, M.Anthuber, U.Widmaier, M.H. Schoenberg:Stellenwert der laparoskopischen operativen Behandlung von Rektumkarzinomen. Chirurgische Praxis 70, 3-9 |